Omar Martinez

Useful Terminal Tips

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  • Tags:
  • tech
  • productivity

If you are like me, you use the command line daily and like any tool that you use for many tasks, it's worth spending time learning how to use them. The following are some quick tips to improve your command line experience.

Keyboard Shortcuts

history search commands ctrl-r

go to beginning of line ctrl-a

go to end of line ctrl-e

delete everything BEFORE the cursor ctrl-u

delete everything AFTER the cursor ctrl-k

Must-have Tools


(reverse search) on steroids ( - I highly encourage to install the optional tools and shortcuts, it includes to use



( j foo will jump directories to my /whatever/foo directory.


( - Command-line JSON processor.


dotfiles is commonly referred to repositories that store your terminal environment settings. This can be a huge time-saver when you are getting your terminal environment up and running.

For more information and inspiration, visit

Or you can look at my dotfiles

Other Tips

create aliases for everything in ~/.bashrc to speed things up

show the exit code of my last command. echo $?

run the previous command as sudo (so useful when you forgot to sudo a long command) sudo !!

Using the caret (^) character to correct mistakes

Imagine you write something like this: npm i eslunt

You wanted eslint, not eslunt! Easy fix: ^eslunt^eslint

This is especially useful if you are passing multiple arguments on your command.

ctrl+r for reverse searching of previous command

add a "# tags" at any commands end to use above for future. Lets say you have a ssh into multiple servers

$ ssh -Uasfd host1 # server1
$ ssh -Uaiouhqe host2 # server2
# then later...
# and type

Update: Even More Tips and Tools

👨🏽 This post was pure raw brain power, no AI assistance.